Facsimile of the Magna Carta belonging to Hereford Cathedral

The Great Charter of Liberties or ‘Magna Carta’ agreed between King John and his barons at Runnymede near Windsor in 1215 is one of the most famous documents in history. 

It was a privilege to be commissioned to produce a facsimile of the Magna Carta, belonging to Hereford Cathedral, and a box for presentation to its recipients in China.

The customer required that the mounted facsimile could be taken out of the box, and that King John's writ be inset opposite.

When we collaborate with other businesses on a project, we select professionals with experience and knowledge. For the printing of the facsimile we commissioned Senecio Digital, and between us we shaped and folded the document to replicate the original.

The Solander box was made from Xian cloth.

This was a complex but rewarding project.

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Facsimile of the Magna Carta belonging to Hereford Cathedral
Facsimile of the Magna Carta belonging to Hereford Cathedral